It’s no secret that the gays love brunch. What a fabulous start to the day, but not too early of a start. The dishes are bougie, and the boozy drink specials are hard to pass up!
Drag brunches have come a long way. From small restaurants to cavernous dining theaters, practically every major and medium-sized US city outside the Bible Belt has them now. They can be fantastic, safe social spaces for many LGBTQ+ people.
Have you gone to one, or are regulars at drag brunches, or avoid them? Nearly every gay has an opinion…thumbs up (loud music where you can’t converse with your table mates, in-your-face drag queens, constant tips) or thumbs down (loud music where you can’t converse with your table mates, in-your-face drag queens, constant tips).
In HomoCulture, owner and editor-in-chief Brian Webb explains many of the positive attributes of the confluence of drag and brunch. He starts by writing, “It’s no secret that the gays love brunch. It may be a stereotype, but it had to come from somewhere! It’s a fabulous start to the day, but not too early of a start. It’s a relatively child-free environment as well, which is a big draw for many. The dishes are bougie, and the boozy drink specials are hard to pass up!”
The BB Team totally agrees. We love Sungay brunch (not necessarily drag brunch) every week!

We also agree on important, cool drag brunch rules that Webb lists:
- Do not touch or get up and dance with drag queens during their performances
- Tip your queens generously; it costs a lot to look that cheap
- The more you drink, the better they look
- Have fun
- It’s an LGBTQ+ space; respect; this isn’t white girl wasted time
Living in South Florida has its perks for the BB Team. There are quite a few drag brunches around, even prompting fascist-minded FL Gov. DeSantis to dog whistle and issue laws to crack down on drag shows (in addition to other LGBTQ+ community issues) here.
In Fort Lauderdale and Wilton Manors, we recommend trying drag brunch at Lips and Hamburger Mary’s. In Miami, stop by R House Winwood. In South Beach, definitely make plans to go to Palace South Beach, with handsome eye-candy servers and security staff!
Support our drag queens! Drag is NOT a crime!

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Palace South Beach drag brunch, Miami Beach, FL, 2019. Featured image courtesy of Plaintruthiness Photography| Flickr | © All Rights Reserved
Cher drag queen at Palace South Beach drag brunch, Miami Beach, FL, 2019. Image courtesy of Plaintruthiness Photography| Flickr | © All Rights Reserved
Hot male staff at Palace South Beach, Miami Beach, FL, 2019. Image courtesy of Plaintruthiness Photography| Flickr | © All Rights Reserved
Wednesday February 22, 2023