Guys who don’t wear underwear are often considered “gross” or lacking basic hygiene
This tongue-in-cheek Thought Catalog article from Tyler Gillespie features basic information about different types of male underwear and related terms. Gillespie’s thoughts come more into focus with his verdict on what type of guy wears each type of underwear.
At the end he defines what to go commando means, but of course we should already know!
His commando-man verdict: “Guys who don’t wear underwear are often considered “gross” or lacking basic hygiene. But don’t judge them right off the bat. The commando-man is probably the least concerned with appearance and might be the most easy-going of them all.”
View the full article:
Underwear mo fems at Southern Decadence. 2017. Featured image courtesy of Plaintruthiness Photography | Flickr | © All Rights Reserved
Friday September 15, 2017