The idea that bottoms need to adjust their food choices for a cleaner sexual experience is pervasive
Ice cubes for dinner, anyone? In an Eater article, Rax Will writes about their long-time gay friend who “adheres to what some degradingly call the “bottom’s diet” — a restrictive way of eating specifically designed to attempt to avoid what the community calls a “mess” in the bedroom when on the receiving end of anal sex. That diet usually involves a regulated intake that avoids rich foods including meat and dairy, cuts out cruciferous vegetables and other bloat-inducing foods, preps before sex with anal douching, and mixes in generous helpings of the fiber supplement Pure for Men. The goal of all this is not necessarily six-pack abs, but anxiety-free sex.”
“In a culture that’s already squeamish when it comes to talking about our bodily functions, to greater extremes, bottoms anxious about a night of intercourse might even resort to starving themselves before sex.”
From the 1970s through 2000s, this has essentially been what gay bottoms have had to endure when eating before sex. But times are changing! Will goes on to say, “This kind of abstention still exists in the gay community, though conversation around bottom food has reached new heights this Pride season. Joel Kim Booster’s Fire Island inserted a joke that characters wouldn’t be bottoming as they chowed down on cheese.”
Dive deeper into the article to discover how queer chefs and foodies are tackling the issue of bottom eating before sex. Find out what food writer, author and sometime bottom John Birdsall says about this from a historical perspective, including what he found out about world-famous gay chef James Beard.
Finally, read about the controversy between Postmates and Alex Hall of TikTok’s viral The Bottom’s Digest fame. Ready for vegan “TX Queso for Ques-hoes” anyone?
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Bottom Ice Cube Meal. 2022. Featured image courtesy of Plaintruthiness Photography | Flickr | © All Rights Reserved
Sunday July 24, 2022