Dating is hella stressful, okay, even for a well-versed gay man
Whether you’re 21 or 61 and heading for a first date, you’re going to be filled with anxiety and stress even before the date starts.
Australian Peter Minkoff writes in HomoCulture, “Dating is hella stressful, okay, even for a well-versed gay man. Yes, some Tinder dates might not care what you wear, but these homos are few and rare. Most guys want to go on a first date with a clean-looking, stylish man who knows how to dress, but doesn’t look like he was dressed by his mom.”
The BB Team agress that Minkoff’s first tip is probably the most important: Looking clean.
“No matter how you approach the task of building your ensemble, whether you choose to be the three-piece-suit guy or the casual dude, one thing is for certain: you need to look clean, and you need to look fresh.”
“There’s no room for wrinkles on your shirt or pants, there’s no room for ill-fitting garments, and there’s no room for poor color coordination and mismatching textures. Failing to do this will make you look sloppy and inexperienced, and you don’t want that.”
Check out his other tips on top to bottom looks for a successful first date.
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Featured image by Dmytro Zinkevych | Shutterstock
Sunday October 10, 2021