30 Kinky Terms Every Gay Man Needs to Know

Leathermen on Mr B float at Amsterdam Pride 2015

The words 'kink' and 'fetish' are not really synonymous

The BB Team admits that we didn’t know all 30 of these terms, or that the words ‘kink’ and ‘fetish’ are not really synonymous. You didn’t either? Welcome to the clubhouse!

Advocate writer Alexander Cheves begins with, “If gay life was a giant ballroom (and it kind of is), kinky leathermen have been lingering in the back, in the shadows, for generations. But thanks to the Internet and porn giants like San Francisco-based Kink.com, fetish play has stepped onto the main floor over the last decade. Regardless if you’re kinky or vanilla, knowing some basic terminology will help you navigate Scruff profiles and boost your confidence at your local leather bar. And who knows? You might stumble across a term you didn’t know existed — and something you really want to try.”

Leathermen on Mr B float at Amsterdam Pride 2015
Leather man mannequin with rainbow draped background
Mr B leathermen float at Amsterdam Pride 2015

In kink porn, the industry standard safe word is “red,” so that’s what most kinksters use. Since being gagged is one of this writer’s biggest turn-ons, the “safe word” is not a word at all. In this case, a snap of the fingers or a slap on the thigh means “stop right now.”


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Leathermen sashes at Amsterdam Pride. 2015. Featured image courtesy of Plaintruthiness Photography | Flickr | © All Rights Reserved
Mr B; Leatherman mannequin; Mr B leathermen float. All images from Amsterdam Pride. 2015. Courtesy of Plaintruthiness Photography | Flickr | © All Rights Reserved

Monday November 15, 2021


Beastly writer, editor, copywriter, and illustrator in New York City

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